Thursday, November 13, 2014

Warren F. Kenney Appears on Light From Above Discussing “The Christian Man” by David R. Kenney

Warren F. Kenney Appears on Light From Above Discussing “The Christian Man”
by David R. Kenney
David R. Kenney and his dad, Warren F. Kenney, on the set of “Light From Above” at WCTV Studio. The tabletop pulpit was made by David’s dad for the program.

John Madding who is Cable TV Programming and Access Manager for WCTV and Warren F. Kenney. Dad really liked John commenting on how wonderfully patient he was. John liked him as well. John commented he expected dad to arrive in a black suit…he was pleasantly surprised. They hit it off well.
In the Spring of 2014, my father came to Wadsworth, Ohio to deliver a series of lessons on “The Christian Man”.  He presented these lessons in some form back in Martinsburg, WV some years ago, but I wanted him to come to WCTV studios and record them for others to profit from.  I was also able to get his parents to be interviewed as well to discuss their many years of service to the church.

I am thankful to the wonderful staff at WCTV in Wadsworth for assisting in accommodating the studio and schedule for my parents.  My father is battling GBM brain tumor and my mother has been fighting MS since 1982.  They have fought the good fight together for nearly 50 years!

Also, I appreciate the poem on the flyer written by Karen McCoy which reads:

My Hero
I’ll follow in your footsteps Dad
I want to be like you
You know you are my hero
My love for you is true.
I feel safe when I am with you
You are so brave and strong
You stand by when I am happy
You hold my hand when things go wrong.
So make your footsteps smaller
So I can keep up with you
Then some day when I’m a Dad
I’ll be a hero, too.

– Karen McCoy

I have created a Playlist on YouTube so you can see these videos.  Here is the link.

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