This book is the permanent record of the fifth annual lectureship at Fort Worth in 1982 and completes a fine two-volume set on challenging texts in the Bible that every Bible class teacher should review when preparing for a textual or difficult topical study.
This book contains a glossary of challenging words used in the Old Testament. I have heard of complaints of the use of vocabulary terms by teachers in the past. It is interesting that some of those making the complaints are often unable to define terms they use in the Bible. It is imperative that we understand what the Bible says right down to the very words that are employed. That is what is implied in verbal plenary inspiration.
The book also deals with alleged contradictions in the Bible. It has an article on archaeology in the Old Testament. It also includes a study on the providence of God. It discusses some challenging subjects in the Old Testament such as the atrocities found committed, multiple marriages and concubines, sins of Old Testament characters, the identity of the angel of Jehovah, and the challenges against the inspiration of the Old Testament by those who criticize the integrity of the Scriptures. This book is likewise organized in order of the Old Testament books for easy reference. It deals with additional subjects as they occur in the text including:
· The length of days in the creation of the world.
· The scientific reality of light existing before the sun.
· The Sabbath observed all throughout the Old Testament.
· The mark of Cain and his wife.
· The flood—universal or local.
· The ark—large enough to handle all the animals.
· The hardening of Pharaoh’s heart.
· The replication of the plagues by Pharaoh’s magicians.
· The lie of Rahab the harlot.
· The fate of Jephthah’s daughter.
· The contest between God and Satan over Job.
· The prophecy of the virgin birth.
· The story of Jonah and the great fish—fact or fiction.
· The repentance of God.
This is just a sampling of some of the subjects discussed in this book. The writers were very diligent students of God’s word so their writings should be valuable for our edification. Both books on difficult texts on the Old & New Testament should be on top priority for purchase for the church library.
Originally printed West Virginia Christian, Vol. 12, No. 11, November 2005, p. 8. Reprinted by permission.
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