The first book of the Bible, Genesis, is an exciting study of the beginning of the world to where the Israelites enter into Egypt thanks to the providential care of God through Joseph. As the title of the book suggests--“Foundational Truth”, this is exactly what the book of Genesis is about. Having a firm understanding of Genesis is critical for understanding the Bible and the reason the world is in the state that it is. Christians do not have to wonder how the earth and man got here. All the Christian needs to do is read and marvel!
The book edited by brother Cates is the written record of the 2001 Memphis School of Preaching Lectureship. The book is dedicated to the memory of Rex A. Turner, Sr.; which sets a very high bar to be achieved. This monumental lectureship book passes the bar! Rex A. Turner, Sr. truly exemplified the phrase “a [Christian] gentleman and a [Christian] scholar.” Anyone who has read Turner’s works should agree.
The book contains a series of textual lectures that are arranged in the order of the text. There are also excellent articles on why we should study the Old Testament. Also included are articles which address false concepts such as Theistic Evolution, Gap Theory, and Documentary Hypothesis and false attacks on Genesis in order to prop up such false concepts such as Genesis being mythological or poetical. Included are lectures on some of the men and women in Genesis. One lesson that we often lose sight of is that our actions have consequences. Sometimes these consequences have effects that can outlive us. Studying the right and wrong decisions of the people in Genesis should remind us that what may be a bad situation for us may be a great blessing for others; e.g., Joseph. There are many consequences (good and bad) that the origins of are recorded in the book of Genesis.
The lectureship book is over 1,000 pages and is in larger print type for easier reading. Contributors are faithful men and women who have written articles that are enjoyable to read. This book is a very valuable edition to the library of the church. One mistake that some make is thinking a study of Genesis for adults would be worn out from teaching in the school years. Do not make that mistake. There are many who have never studied the book, have not studied it for years, or have never studied it on an adult class level. It was my distinct pleasure to have the late Professor James Tollerson for Genesis & Exodus at Freed-Hardeman University. The class was as thrilling as I remembered studying it growing up. Of course, Dr.Tollerson was prepared to teach. This book will assist in one’s preparation.
Originally printed West Virginia Christian, Vol. 14, No. 3, March 2007, p. 8. Reprinted by permission.
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