Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Parables in Profile, Wayne Jackson

The Parables in Profile, Wayne Jackson

There are several books available on the parables of Jesus. One of my personal favorites is a small volume published in 1978 by Wayne Jackson entitled The Parables in Profile: Exegetical Outlines of the Parables of Christ. I totally agree with Wayne Jackson’s assessment of the parables of Christ:

In that marvelous galaxy of teaching that came from the lips of Christ, a solar system of parables has instructed and thrilled multiplied thousands for nearly twenty centuries. The Lord’s parables contain some of the most preachable and teachable material in the New Testament and no good teacher can afford to ignore this depository [the parables, DRK] of divine information. (Jackson, Back Cover)

This volume contains outlines, word studies, and background information of the parables that are very profitable for study and teaching. The material is concise but contains multiple references that can easily be expanded to further enrich one’s study of the material. I particularly appreciate Wayne Jackson’s guidelines for studying the parables. One guideline he suggests is not to press a parable beyond its intended design to teach something that contradicts plain teaching in other passages. The book also contains several applications to our lives today that many need to be taught or even reminded of (Hebrews 5:12-14).

Wayne Jackson has published a monthly periodical of biblical studies entitled the Christian Courier for over 36 years now. He has published several volumes on various topics. He also publishes an electronic version of the Christian Courier on the Internet at
http://www.christiancourier.com/. I have known brother Wayne and his family for several years. In fact, I went to school with both of his sons, Jared and Jason, at Freed-Hardeman University. If you are looking for some stimulating reading, then subscribe to the Christian Courier and review other materials he has available from the web site. The congregation where I attend purchases two bundles of the paper for distribution. We also have all of his books in the church library as well. I have recommended his works consistently and have always had positive feedback from those seeking more information on a given topic he has researched.

In 1998, this book on the parable was revised and reprinted with a new typeset that is more attractive and easier to read. The information is basically the same so if one has the earlier edition of the book it would make a nice gift to pass on if you purchase the new revision for yourself.

Originally printed West Virginia Christian, Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2001, p. 5. Reprinted by permission.

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