Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Questions & Answers, Vol. 2, Guy N. Woods

Questions & Answers, Vol. 2, Guy N. Woods

Due to numerous requests for a follow-up to Questions & Answers, Vol. 1, Guy N. Woods published a second volume in 1986. (The first volume was published in 1976.) Guy N. Woods edited his second volume in an attempt to avoid duplication in the first volume and another book, Questions Answered by Lipscomb & Sewell (and published by Gospel Advocate). One should seek out all three books on Bible questions and answers.

As discussed in the recommendation of Volume 1, Guy N. Woods conducted the Open Forum for nearly 30 years at Freed-Hardeman. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to hear brother Woods in person; however, I was able to hear Alan Highers who assumed the position as moderator of the Open Forum after Guy N. Woods retired from the position. Alan Highers also demonstrated great ability and poise as he conducted the Open Forum. Brother Highers has great respect for the late Guy N. Woods and stated in the Introduction of Volume 2: “It is truly the product of a lifetime of preparation and study, and an exceptional lifetime at that. The name of Guy N. Woods will take its place in future generations alongside McGarvey, Hardeman, Brewer and others, whose contributions to the Cause of Christ have endured long after the principals themselves have ‘crossed over the river to rest in the shade of the trees.’”

This volume also has a subject and scripture index that makes the material easier to reference. Some of the questions answered by Guy N. Woods include:

· “Was there forgiveness of sins under the Old Testament covenant?”
· “Why is the 37th verse of the 8th chapter of Acts omitted from the American Standard Version of the New Testament?”
· “Why is it wrong to gamble?”
· “What is verbal inspiration?”
· “What is the difference in meaning, if any, in the words, ‘Hebrew’, “Israelite’ and ‘Jew?’”
· “Much is said regarding the qualifications of elders. What are the qualifications of preachers set out in the Bible?”
· “Is it scriptural and, or necessary as Christians to fast in the era which we now live? Would our prayers be more effective if we fast?”

Guy N. Woods was a prolific writer. His first article appeared in the Gospel Advocate in 1934 and it is estimated he wrote at least 937 articles for the Gospel Advocate alone. He also wrote nearly 200 articles for at least nine other periodicals. He wrote the Adult Gospel Quarterly for the Gospel Advocate for about 30 years. He also wrote 12 books and at least three tracts. It is astonishing when one contemplates the preparation and the work involved in writing these works. He was also scheduled for 50 gospel meetings a year. Guy N. Woods not only conducted 50 gospel meetings a year, but he was booked for over 200 meetings in advance. So, if a congregation desired to schedule Guy N. Woods for a meeting, he would not be available until after four years. (A reminder for those who want to schedule well-known preachers for gospel meetings—these men are in demand. Plan ahead!)

This book deals with controversial issues of which Guy N. Woods wrote:

Difficult matters often obscured are frequently dealt with, and the answers, in consequence, will be sometimes controversial. It is not expected that every reader will agree with each sentiment expressed; it is sincerely hoped that all who examine these pages will be stimulated to additional study and investigation in the search for truth, since it is the truth, and the truth alone, which frees from the bondage and thralldom of sin. (John 8:31,32)
Both Open Forum Volumes 1 and 2 should be in every church library and in each Christian home. Brother Woods passed away at the age of eighty-five on December 8, 1993.

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